Pat Cheung / Host of Podcast Growth Hacks
Here’s our interview with Pat Cheung, the host of Podcast Growth Hacks, the founder of PodInbox, and the creator of PodConf.
Pat lives in Portland Oregon, and in his spare time, he tinkers with all sorts of business ideas.
Follow Pat on Twitter @patcheung, and come meet Pat at PodConf 2023!
How many episodes have you published?
Currently, I have 20 episodes for this podcast.
Describe your podcast in 2 or 3 sentences
It’s an interview-style podcast, where I talk to other podcasters to learn how they grew their podcast. Periodically, I also share about the growth tactics I user personally to grow my own podcast.
Who is your target audience?
Podcasters. More specifically, podcasters who want to learn how to grow or monetize their podcasts.
Why are you doing this podcast?
I started doing this podcast cause I’m a technology vendor in the podcast industry. My platform, PodInbox, helps podcasters engage with their fans by providing podcast fan pages. So, this podcast helps boost our brand, and myself, as a thought leader in the industry.
Are you monetizing this podcast? If so, how?
I’m currently not directly monetizing this podcast. We’re still in the early stages of this podcast. Soon though, I’ll experiment with fan donations and support…and perhaps even sponsorships.
What advice would you give a new podcaster?
Pick your topic wisely. If your goal is to keep the podcast running for a long time, you want to make sure you thoroughly enjoy it. Doing it consistently over time will get hard…and your passion is what will keep you producing episodes.
What’s your favorite podcast you listen to?
I subscribe to about 30 podcasts and rotate in and out of most of them. If I had to choose one, it’s currently probably My First Million.
Where can people follow you?
Best place to follow me is on Twitter @patcheung and you can learn more about me on my website,