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Emily Newberry / Sacred Gyre

Here’s our interview with Emily Newberry, the host of the Sacred Gyre podcast.

Emily was born in the midwest during WWII and grew up participating in the rebellions of the 1960’s including the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. After coming out as a transgender woman and working for the rights of all transgender people, she played a role in ending the denial of gender-confirming surgery by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Follow Emily on her website,, and come meet Emily at PodConf 2023!

Emily Newberry / Sacred Gyre / PodConf

How many episodes have you published?


Describe your podcast in 2 or 3 sentences

Sacred Gyre invites the listener into a conversation about how to stay connected to your deepest values as you work for change.

Why did you start this podcast and what do you love about it?

I started my podcast as a result of needing to be thoughtful about how I work for change, and the ways in which I had reacted to the pressures of the moment.

It grew out of my thinking as I wrote my memoir, Turning Inside Out, and my experience of the way in which deeper conversations help us all to be our best selves.

Who is your target audience?

Anyone who wants to make the world a better place for us all.

What’s the number 1 thing listeners love about your podcast?

It is short, sweet, and gets them thinking.

Are you monetizing this podcast? If so, how?

Not yet.

What advice would you give a new podcaster?

Center everything you do around who you are and how you hope to be in the world.

What’s your favorite podcast you listen to?

Anything from The Free Press

Anything else people should know about you or your podcast?

This year I hope to begin inviting others into conversations on my podcast rather than just my own readings and experiences.

Where can people follow you?

The best place to follow me is on my website,

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