Dylan Jessen / The Unzipped Mind
Here’s our interview with Dylan Jessen, co-host of The Unzipped Mind podcast.
The Unzipped Mind is a mental health podcast. Dylan has come to understand the importance of community and conversation, having learned from lived experiences…to working in the mental health field for the past 8 years. It is with The Unzipped Mind podcast, that he hopes to build and strengthen the mental health community and destigmatize the beliefs that surround mental illness.
Connect with Dylan on Instagram and their website, and come meet Dyln at PodConf 2023!
How many episodes have you published?
Describe your podcast in 2 or 3 sentences
We’re a podcast discussing mental health/illnesses from a place of personal lived and worked experience. We hope to help build up the community and destigmatize thoughts and perceptions surrounding those who live with mental illness.
With the help of licensed professionals and individuals who want to share their own lived experiences, in hopes of helping others and shedding light on what it’s like behind the curtain of our minds.
Why did you start this podcast and what do you love about it?
We started this podcast to help encourage conversation and build the community around mental health/illness. We speak from the unique perspective of three individuals who work in an acute psychiatric hospital setting.
I love that I get to talk about what I’m truly passionate about with two close friends in hopes of making positive and impactful changes for our community.
Who is your target audience?
Anyone over 18
What’s the number 1 thing listeners love about your podcast?
Our authenticity and relatability.
Are you monetizing this podcast? If so, how?
Yes. For the time being through our merchandise, Patreon tiers, and we also accept direct donations through Venmo.
What advice would you give a new podcaster?
Trust the process, listen to your critiques, and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
What’s your favorite podcast you listen to?
Sword and Scale and Serial Killers
Anything else people should know about you or your podcast?
We love all feedback from listeners and connecting with our community.
Where can people follow you?
The best place to follow us is on Instagram and our website.